Thank You For Your Love in Kindly Supporting Us and Our Humanitarian Efforts

We are a small team with good intentions and noble aims. One member of our team spent ten years caring free of charge for an elderly fellow Christian who suffered from Alzheimers.

We currently provide emotional support over the phone to a number of souls who struggle to cope with life and make sense of the ever changing scene of this world.

If we had the finances our dream would be to provide food, clothing, warmth and shelter to those in need of refuge.

We have our eyes set upon relatively inexpensive unoccupied properties which we can adapt with the help of local tradesmen into self contained apartments with running water, off grid electricity and heating along with land to grow food and equipment to bottle, pickle and preserve food for the winter.

We fear that even the most affluent of nations may suffer food shortages and some inhabitants may flee as refugees. One such city is described in Revelation. After it's dire financial collapse it is described by shocked onlooking nations in this manner, “ This was the Greatest City Ever”. God's advice is to flee far away-Revelation 18 verse 4.

What a blessing it would be to make preparations to assist our fellow Christians and others in their time of need. Our desire to think and plan ahead is there but we just lack the needed funds.

Would you be so kind as to help with our mission as well as our own survival as we have very little paid work at present? We would most gratefully appreciate your kind help.

After noting that tax free charities come under government pressure to promote non-Christian agendas we desire to stay free from this pressure and will pay all taxes due on donations received to avoid being compromised by this world's current ruler.

Refugee status which triggers government support is restricted to narrow diagnostic criteria for want of a better term. We intend to continue to value and care for our fellow humans who flee from all forms of tyranny which threatens either their loyalty to Christ or indeed their very lives.

To illustrate our dedication, our team member who spent a decade caring for a friend with Alzheimers continued his care despite having suffered multiple hospitalizations with uncontrolled palpitations peaking at 180 beats per minute. He had taken no break in nearly four years and the stress of working part time and caring had caused the attacks. He sought help to lower his stress, took some breaks and continued his caring.

We also cared for a neighbour, providing lodgings for five years after his home was foreclosed on. Since he suffered depression when out of work we made meals for him and helped and supported him in many different ways.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and support.