Is My Island Safe or Should I Flee?

SHOULD I FLEE TO SAVE MY LIFE? One Wealthy Nation will suffer economic cataclysm and starvation. A Divine prediction made over 1900 years ago reveals that after the collapse the rest of the world will look on in horror and state, “ This was the greatest city ever”......” Was there ever a city as important as this?”

Yet because of the extreme situation no country comes to aid the inhabitants in their hour of crisis. There are absolutely no ifs or buts or reversals of this fast looming Divinely mandated situation. The Prediction makes it clear that the taste of her own medicine and her fall comes because of her extreme arrogance, nationalistic superiority and jingoistic attitude. God's advice to anyone wishing to continue living? …..FLEE far away and as fast as you can.

With this in mind I invite you to examine some questions to see whether your country fits the identity of the nation to be humiliated so you can get escape in advance of the horror.

1/ Does my country import much of the food we eat?

2/ Does my country import many of the vehicles which we drive?

3/ Does my country have coastlines?

4/ Does my country have shipping ports?

5/ Is my country serviced by ferries?

6/ Do the inhabitants of my country spend billions each year on CURRY?

7/ Does my country enjoy infrastructure such as piped water, electricity and heating?

8/ Has my country ever engaged in the slave trade?

9/ Does my country have a history of trusting in medical science?

10/ Has my country once ruled a large part of the earth?

11/ Is my country known for it's jingoistic attitude?

12/ Has my country ever engaged in forging alliances with other countries to war against a chosen nation?

13/ Has my country “LOOTED” the wealth of nations in the past?

14/ Has my country caused death and destruction in other parts of the world?

15/ Has my nation ever caused famine? (Please be aware that history can be cleansed to such a degree that even Phd History graduates in one nation were shocked to read Dr Shashi Tharoor's book, “ INGLORIOUS EMPIRE” in which he exposes how his country went from 23 percent GDP down to 4 percent after an extended length of colonial abuse and 35 million deaths to famine caused by colonial policies.)

16/ At various stages in my country's history has it ever forged political alliances with any other nations?

17/ Have any of the political ties with other nations ever enjoyed a less than tight bond?

18/ Have any of these alliances ever discussed the possibility of divorce?

19/ Have any of these alliances with other nations ever ended in divorce?

20/ Are the electrical generating plants, infrastructure and retailers of electricity in my country still owned and run by the state?

21/ Has my country ever been likened to Jerusalem?

22/ Has my country ever sold weapons to a country and then later bombed that same country?

23/ Has my country ever made profits from contracts to re-build the infrastructure of the nations it has bombed or looted?

24/ Overall does my country feel little or no shame in bombing, raiding and harming foreign countries?

25/ Could my country be considered rather nationalistic?

26/ Have I been taught to have confidence in my country?

27/ Do we eat staples such as bread and cake?

28/ Do we enjoy beef and lamb which we import?

29/ Do we import lots of wine?

30/ Could the capital city of my country be described as “ The Greatest City on Earth? “

31/ Does the capital city have rather high prices?

32/ Of all the fruit we eat, is much of it imported? 33/ Do I live on an Island?

34/ Has my country ever experienced unwanted military aircraft incursions into it's airspace from a nation it likes to subjugate with sanctions?

35/ Does the navy of my country have to escort unwanted naval vessels out of our territorial waters from a country on which we place sanctions?

36/ Does my country house a wide diversity of people from many nations?

37/ Do politicians talk of making my country great again?

38/ Have you become aware of any medical deception which has taken place in your country? The country which ticks the boxes will suffer Divinely mandated reciprocation so that it has a taste of it's own evil “medicine” of causing famine, looting and destroying infrastructure and economies it has inflicted on other nations. Will I suffer cognitive dissonance and behave like Lot's wife or will I run far away? The choice is yours to make.